Logging in, logging out, and changing your password

Here's how to log in, change your password, and log out again.

Last updated: November 2024

  1. Navigate to the bottom of any page on your Streamline site.
  2. Click on “Sign In.”
    logging in
  3. Enter your credentials
    log in page
  4. If you forgot your password, Click “Forgot your password?” 
    1. If you receive an error message that your email is not registered yet with your Streamline site:
      1. Reach out to a user who currently has their email address registered and have your email address added as a user by following this tutorial.
      2. Reach out to Streamline support.
  5. After signing in with the correct credentials, you will now be able to see & access your toolbar on the right-hand side of your screen. This is how you know you are logged in.
    log in
  6. To log out and view what members of your community will see, click “Sign Out.”

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