You can easily change the look and feel of your site using the built-in theme switcher!
Last updated: November 2024
Follow along to change the theme of your Streamline site.
- Ensure you are logged in to your site by viewing the toolbar on the left-hand side.
- Navigate to “Preferences” and click on the “Theme” tab
- There are 5 different layouts with 3 distinct feels each.
- “Bold,” “Outline,” and “Grey” all offer very different feels with different background colors and outlines according to the primary and secondary colors you have selected in the Advanced Theme Editor.
- “Bold,” “Outline,” and “Grey” all offer very different feels with different background colors and outlines according to the primary and secondary colors you have selected in the Advanced Theme Editor.
- Here are various examples of different layout and feel options
- Layout 1 with a Grey feel.
- Layout 2 with a Bold feel
- Layout 3 with a Grey feel
- Layout 4 with an Outline feel.
- Layout 1 with a Grey feel.
- These are just some of the many different layout combinations you’re able to create with Streamline while remaining 100% ADA Compliant with all of them!