How to title your meeting pages

Not sure how titles work on meeting pages? Want to display a cancelled or special meeting? Read on to find out how!

Unlike any other page on your Streamline site, a title is completely optional for your Meeting pages. That's because the Streamline platform automatically generates a title for every Meeting page you create, based on the name of the Group that the meeting belongs to.

As a reminder: all Meeting pages must belong to a Group page; the purpose of the Group page is to automatically organize and display meetings. By default a Group page will display meetings organized by year, so you don't need to ever create new Groups for each year (i.e. Board Meetings 2021-2022). Streamline will do this for you automatically!

When you create a Meeting page and leave the title field blank, the title of the page is going to be determined by this simple formula:

(Name of the Group) + "Meeting"

Example: So if the name of your Group is "Board of Directors", any Meeting page by default will have the name "Board of Directors Meeting".

While editing:

What the public sees:

But what if I want to add a custom title?

You can... to an extent. If you enter text into the title field of a Meeting (instead of leaving it blank), then the title of the page is determined like this:

(Name of the Group) + (Title Text)

Example: So if the name of your Group is "Board of Directors" and you give a meeting the title of "Special Meeting" then the title of the page will be "Board of Directors Special Meeting".

While editing:

What the public sees:

This would also work for noting that meetings are cancelled or postponed -- just put in the title "Meeting Cancelled" or "Meeting - Cancelled". 

Final Thoughts

There is one exception to this: if your group name is "Board Meetings" then the rules are a bit different. Meetings without titles will just be called "Board Meetings" -- the system won't add the word "Meetings" if the last word of your Group name is also "meetings".

If you add a title, then the "Meetings" part is replaced with whatever you add. So if your group name is "Board Meetings" and you create a meeting page with the title "Special Meeting" the public will see "Board Special Meeting" just like above.