Banners: A guide on how to add banners to your pages

Banners can enhance any of your Streamline pages by adding a picture and caption at the top, creating an extra layer of visual appeal.​


Banner Zone

The “Banner Zone” is a dedicated space at the top of every Streamline page where you can display a stunning image and an optional title. This area adds a vibrant visual element that can really brighten up your page. If you decide not to include an image, no worries—the Banner Zone will simply stay hidden, allowing your page layout to flow smoothly without it. When you do use it, though, it grabs attention right away and sets the perfect vibe for the rest of your page’s content!

How do I add a Banner?

  1. Navigate to any page on your Streamline site (except your Homepage) and "Edit" the page.
  2. Under "Add additional content to this page by zone"
    1. Expand "Banner Zone"
    2. Click the dropdown under "Include a Banner Zone on this page?" 
    3. Select "Yes."
  3. Add a Background Image.
  4. Add a "Title" that will show up in front of the background image.
    1. Note: A title is not necessary to add a Banner. A Background Image can show up without any text in front of it.
    2. Additional Note: Text in a Banner Zone can also appear without an image behind it. Only 1 of the two is needed for the Banner Zone to appear.

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